Dual Vocational School at CTE Trailers: efforts and results

Jul 26, 2022Dual Vocational School

The Dual Vocational School at CTE Trailers is a project close to our heart, but also close to the hearts of young pupils to whom this initiative is addressed. We call it a “soul project” because it started out of pure selflessness, from the desire to fill a void in the community we are part of. We set out to compensate for the difficulties faced by students (financial needs, lack of guidance, failure to adapt to the educational environment), to correct the shortcomings and to contribute to the development of the potential of these young people by participating in building the confidence, values and experience necessary for success.

The Dual Vocational School project at CTE Trailers started with the 2021-2022 school year, with a first 9th grade. We have learned a lot from the experience of working together with students during this period, lessons that we have put into practice to ensure that this project reaches its destination: to the children in the eighth grades, their parents and the headmasters.

With this purpose in mind, we started on March 11th, 2022, on the National Day of Crafts, together with the teachers from Pamfil Șeicaru High School, to visit about 30 secondary schools in Ilfov and Giurgiu counties, where we held informative presentations related to this topic.  Our approach was one that combined several components: 

  • personal and professional counseling, in free discussions with students, during which we talked about what the profession they are going to embrace in the future should look like, which kind of obstacles may arise in their educational or professional path and how to choose inspiredly and realistically so that their work provides them with financial stability and personal fulfillment based on skills,  their desires, pleasures and needs;
  • informing parents about the labor market, the acute need for craftsmen, the development of technology that will make many trades / professions disappear and, last but not least, about the concrete benefits of vocational school in dual system;
  • discussions with the head teachers on the importance of inspired choices, based on the students’ skills, their potential and way of developing learning and the safety offered by knowing a trade.

During these meetings between parents, children, teachers of Pamfil Șeicaru High School and representatives of CTE Trailers, we discussed the opportunity to embrace a job of the future: that of a car mechanic. Along with the increased demand for this profession comes job security, access to personal development courses, scholarships and modern textbooks, the first step being the enrollment in the Vocational School in Dual CTE Trailers System. 

Because we know that it is important for parents to have all the information necessary for the guidance of their child, we have also given them access to testimonials from students who have already had a year of experience with CTE Trailers and we have organised information visits to the CTE headquarters for interested students, teachers and parents, thus making a first contact with what CTE Trailers means.

Thus, thanks to these actions and the echo of positive testimonials from older students, this year we registered a number of 55 students enrolled for only 24 available places, a result that exceeded our expectations. We are glad to know that we will continue to open doors, to inspire and to prove that through work and responsibility, results are achieved to match. It saddens us that we do not have the ability to offer all applicants a place with us.

Thus, we make sure that we offer a new breath both to the CTE Trailers team, by hiring young craftsmen who have started and will be able to continue on this path, as well as to young people who aspire to an interesting job, with both financial and personal satisfactions.  

We believe that education is the very soul of society, passing on from one generation to another, and that a child is a “seed” for which we are all responsible. We gladly accept our duty to help all 24 seeds this year to develop in a healthy and harmonious way.

We will care for the 24 students admitted, who will enjoy a place conducive to their professional and personal development and opportunities according to their ambition and effort.

At CTE Trailers, it is in our power to help.

Discover in the video material the first impressions regarding this initiative following informative presentations held on the occasion of National Trades Day, March 11, 2022:

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