Education, with its bitter roots, but sweet fruits, is the basis for the development of a healthy and productive society.
The Dual Vocational School project at CTE Trailers is an idea born from the desire to fill a gap, to fill in what is lacking in formal education and to compensate for the difficulties that students face today. Our goal is to provide students with the material framework and support necessary for them to build the foundation of their professional experience and, at the same time, the values and self-confidence that will help them find the right jobs and achieve the success they deserve.
What kind of experience is The Dual School CTE Trailers?
CTE Trailers Dual School addresses all young graduates of 8 classes, high school students and those who are less than 23 years old, but also young people who have been assigned to a profile that is not to their liking. During the three years of study, students gradually evolve from learning theoretical notions to developing practical skills.
When it comes to the benefits of such a program, young people are aware of the differences between normal vocational school and dual-program school. Among the first advantages listed by them is the monthly scholarship offered to all participants, which increases annually in amount. Also among the first benefits mentioned by pupils are the opportunity to attend the courses of the driving school free of charge and the opportunity to work at CTE Trailers with modern state-of-the-art equipment.
“At Dual School there are modules specific to the subject, such as mechanics, that is, we learn about machines, about each screw, about each component.” Robert tells us about the difference between the topics addressed by theory and those from the Dual School. “[We learn] from a textbook, but rather from a laptop. They show us the project in the hall and the rest are ordinary classes: chemistry, history, etc.“
The young people mention that they are very pleased with the way in which their mentors, the specialists of CTE Trailers, take the time to answer their questions and make sure that they understand, and also with the patience and attention with which they share the secrets of their craft.
The project was not put on halt even during the summer: we offered the students from the Dual Vocational School the opportunity to work during the summer holidays with an employment contract, according to the law (6-hour program, paid for 8 hours), together with the CTE Trailers professionals.
There were 7 students from the CTE Trailers Dual Vocational School who wanted to work during the holidays, but we were pleasantly surprised to also receive job applications during the holidays from two 9th grade pupils of Dimitrie Bolintineanu High School (from the mechatronics class), as well as from a student who is preparing to become a chef, but who is attracted to mechanics.
CTE Trailers accepted that all ten students would work for one or two months, depending on their wish. Three of the students abandoned the contract earlier, the reasons being, according to their colleagues, the orientation towards a career in other industries, such as construction, or going abroad. We believe that any experience is important for young people, as it allows them to compare and choose what is best for them.
What is next for the pupils?
After the end of the summer employment contracts, a new year of dual vocational school follows.
Among our “summer employees” we have gained several authentic promoters of the project and of the mechanic profession, who are trying to convince their colleagues and friends to join them in the CTE Trailers Dual School Program.