Physical hygiene

Jun 22, 2022Uncategorized

It has been said since Ancient Rome: a healthy mind in a healthy body.

That’s exactly what we talked about with the 9th grade students of Pamfil Șeicaru High School, during the first module of the series of personal development workshops organised by CTE Trailers in partnership with Pamfil Șeicaru Technological High School. It was held on the 30th of May together with Cristina Gheorghe – promoter of dual learning projects since 2015 – so that each of the attending teenagers could confidently step on the path of personal development.

Good general hygiene – both physical and mental – has a powerful impact on our health, short term as well as long term. We discussed a wide range of personal hygiene components, from habits to practice in our private lives to ways to present ourselves cleanly, pleasantly and professionally in society.

We reviewed things that seem simple but are really surprising, such as – What is general hygiene? – as well as very real difficulties that teenagers everywhere face, including: acne, the causes of its onset and aggravation, sweating and how to combat it, along with much more.

We didn’t stop at definitions and theory, we also gave practical advice. We went step by step through the correct ways of brushing teeth, washing face and body, along with suggestions on which items they shouldn’t borrow or myths to eliminate in the future through education. We also prepared students for the independence that awaits them in a few years’ time, with presentations on preparing clothing, footwear, the workplace and the working environment, as well as advice on how often to care for items such as textiles, household items, sanitary ware and the home itself.

And this is, of course, one of the first steps towards a stable foundation for future responsible adults.

And because June 1st, Children’s Day, was coming up, the students received their first personal hygiene kit from CTE.

At CTE Trailers, it’s in our power to teach you.

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